Last Month Long - Stresses Galore

Some of the craziness and bullshit that is my life outside of the studio!!


Alex Dickson

5/6/20233 min read


Oh my god... This last month has been a hell of a time... My mom finally came back mid April from being in California for four and half months with my sister. She was out there for so long because she fell (again) and broke her pelvis so she had to get surgery and get some screws put in... That was anxiety inducing in itself. Well the day after she got back her boyfriend had to go in for back surgery, many reasons for it, but it came down to essentially he gets the surgery or he'll eventually become paralyzed. Anyway to continue on with that leg of things, he had back surgery and I took my mom to the big city where he had the surgery to see him in the hospital that weekend. I'm glad my sister came back to help him for that week he was in there because the nurses employed by the hospital were a fucking joke... But anyway when my mom and I went to see him and I saw him hooked up to all the m machines, him in complete pain and utter agony, it brought back all the painful memories of my dad's passing. R.I.P. Pops... But anyway it was a very hard sight for me to behold, I cried... Oh God did I cry... And then he was telling us how a nurse treated him so bad, I saw absolute red and I had to step out of the room. I was so pissed off I was pacing back and forth in the hallway growling like a caged lion. I was ready to tear a motherfucker to shreds....

Anyway, That's probably the worst of it all, he's back home now and doing better, but to continue onto a different thing, as you can see I released a new 808 Sample Pack POWERBASS 808 - CREAMY & CRONCHYY!! VOL. 1 <<--Click there for the page to get it! USE CODE CREAMYCRONCHY at checkout to get it for free, That code is available to the first 50 people who use it! get it while supplies last.

With the release of the sample pack that's going to set in motion the path of releasing regular content for release to sell. I do plan to release beats, sample packs, midi packs if possible, maybe even some templates for Cubase. I may even do something like a course to sell to teach something like mixing or production, or recording techniques. I have ideas in the works that I plan to implement, but it's going to take time for me to do so. I'm going to work on trying to do at least some for m of regular content, whether that be for Instagram, YouTube, TikTok (Still iffy on this one). But I'm going to try to come out with more content and promotional stuff for my studio, my services, and productions. It's just been a hectic start to the year. Trying to accomplish everything from finding a new job to supplement my income from the studio, as well as just stuff breaking down and having to have it fixed.. This year has started off just almost the polar opposite of what my wife, roommate and I were hoping for. None of this has been easy in the slightest and we're still recovering from last year after kicking out a narcissist we dealt with for a year and a half. We are all still dealing with some PTSD from him...

For a bit of a studio update, I've been lucky enough to have a couple of new clients come through and give me some decent work. I had a client earlier this week (At time of writing) that was absolutely phenomenal! Working with them honestly renewed my love for making and creating music and my love for just being in the studio again. It showed me the potential greatness of what's out there. I honestly couldn't be happier! Sometimes all it takes is that one artist to come in and just make it all worth while. I have this same client coming back not this week, but the next week, and I think it's going to be great working with them!

On a side note, I'm also going to start working on my mental health a bit and actually seek out some therapy to work through some things that have been really bothering me lately, but I'll still be working on music in the mean time, don't you worry! Look forward to new posts here on the blog for studio and life updates as well as product releases! Everything from beats, sound packs, sample packs and all that!

This has been Alex "Valli-D" Dickson, signing off. Deuces!